Metropolis Lux Obscura [Preview]

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The gampelay of the game relies on well known and loved by millions all over the world match-3-in-row type so barely you will know something new here. But where you will get some fresh emotions is the narrative itself and the way it is told to the player. Let’s start with the second one – the main idea of storytelling in this game is based interactive comics where you even can affect this story in minutes of its line! And if you are the aficionado of criminal filled adventures where almost all the characters are the sinners looking for redemption but instead only keep paying for their crimes then this game is defeintely for you! You will start since the guy who recently obtained free-for-all form the jail simply to find out that his olf buddy wa smurdered so today it’s all your responsibility to know who and why… the rest you will find out just out of the game!

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